HiQ renews Varma Asiointi services

HiQ has been involved in renewing Varma's digital services, bringing them new-age usability and accessibility.

Varma, pääkonttori, Salmisaari, ikkunat, drone, ilmakuva, tervävä kulma, heijastukset, länsiväylä
HiQ on ollut mukana uudistamassa Varman digipalveluita tuoden niihin uuden ajan käytettävyyttä ja saavutettavuutta. Pitkäaikainen ja tuloksekas yhteistyö kattaa IT-palveluja laajalla rintamalla palvelumuotoilusta, ohjelmistokehitykseen, testaukseen ja dataintegraatioon. 
Kuvaaja: Lari Järnefelt
Varma, pääkonttori, Salmisaari, ikkunat, drone, ilmakuva, tervävä kulma, heijastukset, länsiväylä
HiQ on ollut mukana uudistamassa Varman digipalveluita tuoden niihin uuden ajan käytettävyyttä ja saavutettavuutta.
Kuvaaja: Lari Järnefelt

HiQ has been involved in renewing Varma's digital services, bringing them new-age usability and accessibility. The long-term and successful cooperation covers IT services broadly from service design to software development, testing and data integration.

Varma Asiointi, launched at the beginning of summer 2021, combines both insurance and the ability to work issues into the same service in a customer-oriented manner. The cornerstones of user focused development work are seamless, open cooperation and agile software development utilizing modern technologies and methods.

Customer experience to a new level - usability by all measures

Varma Asiointi raises the customer experience of Varma's insurance and ability to work services to a new level. Earnings pension and ability to work matters are handled more smoothly at one address, regardless of time and place, both on a smartphone and on a computer.

The new transaction service also brings with it completely renewed tools, such as the risk mapping and analysis of the ability to work section of the business customer. The service's functions have been developed together with Varma's customers, and new useful functions will be further developed based on customer feedback.

HiQ's comprehensive know-how at the heart of long-term cooperation

HiQ's consultants have been developing the renewed Varma Asiointi in a multi-vendor environment, as part of Varma's digital services' agile software development teams. Varma's experts from different parts of the organization, both from the side of business, customer relations and service development, have worked closely with HiQ's design professionals.

In addition, HiQ's software development and testing experts have worked as part of Varma's implementation teams. The development of Varma's business services is continuous, and HiQ will continue to play a significant role in it.

“Cooperation with HiQ has been flexible. If necessary, we have recruited experts for various roles, even with a flexible schedule. Our principle has been and is to get Varma the best experts for different software development roles. HiQ has succeeded in this. Through HiQ, we have been able to get experienced professionals for the necessary tasks at any given time”, says Varma’s Head of Digital Services, Heidi Vehokari.

HiQ's versatile design, software development and testing know-how and experience complement Varma's agile teams. Cooperation can be seen in high-quality service availability. The design process has worked excellently among the sure, HiQ people as well as other operators. HiQ has been responsible for the quality assurance of the services.

Mutual employment pension insurance company Varma is a responsible and prudent investor. The company is responsible for the occupational pension security of approximately 900,000 people in the private sector. In 2020, Varma's contribution income was 4.9 billion euros, and the company paid out 6.0 billion euros in pensions. The value of Varma's investments at the end of March 2021 was EUR 52.9 billion.

The new Safe Transaction service offers customers smooth transactions and impressive tools for developing the ƒability to work. Varma Asioina takes care of insurance and payment matters related to pension insurance for employers and entrepreneurs. With the help of the ability to work section, the company can build a process of managing the risk of work disability, from identifying risks to implementing development measures and monitoring effectiveness.www.varma.fi


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