St1 chose HiQ as its support partner for its mobile applications
St1 has chosen HiQ Finland Oy as a support partner for its mobile applications in all Nordic countries.

St1 chose HiQ as its support partner for its mobile applications
St1 has chosen HiQ Finland Oy as a support partner for its mobile applications in all Nordic countries. St1 offers its customers comprehensive mobile services through mobile applications, incl. mobile payment, mobile refuelling, country-specific loyalty benefits and credit card services including ApplePay.
Reliability and predictability to support development
St1 invests in digitalization and mobile services. Reliable operation of production applications enables high-quality customer experience. It allows St1 to focus their resources to development of new services.
In addition to daily operations, HiQ’s mobile support provides extensive proactive support. HiQ proactively keeps track of the changes in operating system versions. When updates are released, tests are run, and possible problems fixed. Mobile support also provides tailored view into mobile market with applications review tracking and comparison. The mobile application market moves fast with almost 20 new operating system versions released yearly.
HiQ is also responsible for the continuous development of mobile applications for St1. Read more here.
We want to provide our customers stable and evolving applications. HiQ’s services takes care of production operations and keeps track of the mobile platforms for us. This allows our own personnel to focus on the design and development of new services.
Evolving support services
HiQ support services takes care of more than a hundred customers’ digital investments. The improved support packages combine control over production with continuous development of services. Tailored support with solution specific features provides holistic view over the service lifecycle.
“Maintenance and continuous improvement are an integral part of value we provide. We are proud that our partnership with St1 will deepen to include mobile support”, comments Timo Vesa, Director, Lifecycle Services, HiQ Finland Oy.
St1 – Energy Company that Challenges the Conventional
St1 operates in Finland, Sweden and Norway. The focus of our operations is on fuels marketing activities and renewable energy solutions as well as developing and refining liquid fuels. St1’s distribution network for transport fuels comprises over 1,300 St1 and Shell petrol stations in Finland, Sweden and Norway. The Shell brand is in use under a license agreement. The two brands complement each other: with their different offerings and strong service concepts we can reach a wider customer base. All in all, there are over 600,000 customer visits at St1’s sites every day.